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Showing posts from May, 2013

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 2013

With Memorial Day behind us, we Americans mark the beginning of the Summer holiday.  For some, school is already out, and for many others, school will be ending shortly.  With Easter and Pentecost now in our rear-view mirror, we approach a long spell of Ordinary Time... but before we slip into the ma-laze of the season, we focus on the most significant gift Jesus left us... his real presence in the Eucharist - the Body and Blood of Christ. The Word for the Body and Blood of Christ:        Genesis 14:18-20        Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4        1 Corinthians 11:23-26        Luke 9:11b-17 As one might expect, our readings all present images of bread and wine.  Our first reading from Genesis shows us a religious celebration attended by Abram, in which the priest Melchizedek offers bread and wine.  Our second reading from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians i...

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity 2013

Our Easter jubilation ended this past Sunday with the celebration of Pentecost, bringing us to Ordinary Time.  But after so many weeks of joyous Easter revelry, the Church isn't quite ready to put away the party favors.  So to ease us through this transition from Easter to Ordinary Time, the calendar gives us two significant celebrations... The solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (this Sunday), and the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (next Sunday).  For this week’s solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, each of the three members of the Trinity are represented by the readings. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity :         Proverbs 8:22-31         Psalm 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9         Romans 5:1-5         John 16:12-15 First, God the Father is represented our first reading from Proverbs.  The imagery would seem to tell ...

Pentacost 2013

This week we celebrate the end of the Easter Season with the Feast of Pentecost, the remembrance of when the Holy Spirit descends on the Apostles just as Jesus foretold prior to his Ascension (which we celebrated last week). The Word for the Pentecost:         Acts 2:1-11         Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34         1st Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 OR Romans 8:8-17         John 20:19-23 OR John 14:15-16, 23b-26 Confirmation, tradition says, is when we receive the Holy Spirit, and gain the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel (right judgment), fortitude (courage), knowledge, piety (reverence), Fear of the Lord (awe of God).  Confirmation is our adult “Amen” to our Baptism (which is why adults going through the RCIA receive this Sacrament right after their Baptism).  But how are these gifts manifest in us?  Are we any differe...

Ascension Sunday 2013

Instead of the celebrating the 7th Sunday of Easter, the Church in the USA uses this coming Sunday to celebrate the Ascension (which under the traditional calendar is celebrated this coming Thursday).  Our readings for this Sunday recount that moment.  Our first account is from Acts of the Apostles… a much more detailed account (right down to the traditional 40 days) than any of the Gospels recount.  By now we have learned that Acts of the Apostles is the sequel to Luke’s gospel… but as with all Hollywood blockbuster sequels, Luke begins his new narrative with a recounting of the end of the previous book, but with much more detail and special effects… taking a moment from the previous work and fleshing it out to build into the continuing story.  The Word for the Ascension of the Lord:         Acts 1:1-11         Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9         Ephesians 1:17-2...