The Word for the 22 nd Sunday of Ordinary Time : Sirach 3:17 -18, 20, 28-29 Psalm 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11 Hebrews 12:18 -19, 22-24a Luke 14:1, 7-14 If you had to describe this week’s readings with one word… it would be “humility.” In our first reading from the book of Sirach, the author states this very clearly in the opening lines of the passage: “… conduct your affairs with humility.” Why is this important? First, it’s good to remember that the book of Sirach falls under the category of “wisdom” literature in the bible, and because of it’s relatively late writing (around the 2 nd century BCE), has been excluded from the Hebrew and Protestant bibles. Catholics, however, find the work to be inspired and includes it in our Canon. Like all wisdom literature, it is a cross between popular non-fiction and catechetical text. In today’s reading, the author reminds us that the more we h...
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