One of the gifts of being part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is the annual Religious Education Congress. For those who don't know, the RE Congress began 60 years ago as a series of workshops for those involved in what we used to call "CCD" (Confraternity of Catholic Doctrine), what we more commonly refer to as "Religious Education," or perhaps more appropriately today as "Faith Formation." What was born out of a desire for local CCD teachers to gather and share ideas on faith formation has grown into an international gathering of more than 40,000 catechists and ministers of all flavors to be re-ignited by the Holy Spirit to the service of their parish. I've been blessed to have attended this event regularly since the early 1980's, and I have yet to be disappointed. I believe that for anyone involved in Catholic education, catechesis, or church ministry, on any level... this is a must-attend event. The Congress is, among other things...
Comments on our weekly readings for Sunday Mass and other topics of interest for those who are going through the initiation process or want to learn more about the Catholic Faith