Our theme of covenant continues as we enter the 3rd week of Lent. On the first Sunday of Lent, we heard the story of Noah reminding us of the first covenant. Last week we heard the story of Abraham and Issac reminding us of the second covenant. This week we hear the Ten Commandments, which are at the heart of the third covenant set with Moses and the people of Israel. The Word for the 3 rd Sunday of Lent Exodus 20:1-17 Psalms 19:8, 9, 10, 11 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 Our first reading comes from the book of Exodus and the passage that gives us the Ten Commandments. Most of us know the story of how God had Moses go up the sacred mountain to receive the commandments written on stone tablets, at which point we assume Moses presented these commandments to the people. But if you follow the text we see that God gives Moses these Ten Commandments (and the subsequent 3 chapters of commandments) to Moses and the people bef...
Comments on our weekly readings for Sunday Mass and other topics of interest for those who are going through the initiation process or want to learn more about the Catholic Faith