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Congratulations and blessings for Bishop Oscar Solis

I realize that some of you who read this blog might not be locals, so to give you some perspective, I come to you from the City of Long Beach, which is part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  For the past 30 years the Archdiocese, due to it's size and population, has been divided into 5 administrative "Pastoral Regions" with a different Auxiliary Bishop managing each region.  Since 2009, our San Pedro Region has been served by Bishop Oscar Solis.

It was announced today that Bishop Solis has been appointed Bishop to the Diocese of Salt Lake City.  That Diocese covers the entire state of Utah, serving nearly 300,000 Catholics in 48 parishes.  You can read more about Bishop Oscar from this link.

This is a unique position in a unique diocese.  I urge you to read more about this diocese from this link to Wikipedia.

Bishop Oscar has served us with grace these past 7 years, and his wit and his wisdom will be missed.  We don't know when he will be leaving, but according to the article, his installation as Bishop for Salt Lake City is scheduled for March.  I will post more information as it becomes available.  It is not yet known who will be taking his place here in the San Pedro Region.

Bishop Oscar, we thank you for your grace, your service, and your inspiration.  Our prayers go with you as you undertake this new assignment.


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