When we hear the word evangelize we often imagine earnest preachers
exhorting us (often very loudly) on the joy of Jesus and the perils of
sin. We think of people like John the Baptist shouting “repent!” or
some boisterous televangelist preaching loudly on the evils of modern
society. This perception, however, is fatally flawed, because it causes
us to forget that as Christians, we all have the responsibility to
evangelize, not just a few of us, and we accomplish this evangelization
in whatever way our gifts allow.
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Psalms 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9
1 John 2:1-5a
Luke 24:35-48
In our first reading from Acts of the Apostles, we see that Peter has found his voice. Our passage takes place shortly after the Pentecost, where for the first time we see Peter and the Apostles preaching in the Temple courtyard… preaching with a power and authority we have never seen before. At first his language seems inflammatory, calling them out as being complicit in Jesus’ death, but he very deftly turns this moment into a chance for forgiveness and repentance, noting that the prophets had foretold of Jesus’ suffering, but that by following the way of the Christ, their sins may be wiped away. By seeing the Lord for who he is, we can find forgiveness. Our Psalm echoes this sentiment as we ask the Lord to shine his face on us.
Our second reading is a continuation of our examination of the 1st letter of John. In keeping with our theme of evangelization, John is reminding us that the most powerful witness we can offer is by following the Lord’s commandments. John recognizes this is not always easy, and also reminds us that if we do sin, we have an advocate in Jesus Christ… who’s death and resurrection is “expiation for our sins.” Not only do we find God by embracing his commandments, but our love for God is shown through our following his commandments.
This takes us to our Gospel from Luke, where similar to last week’s gospel from John, the Apostles witness the appearance of the risen Jesus. Just prior to this passage the women have reported to the Apostles that the tomb is empty. Following that moment is the encounter two disciples have with the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus. After the encounter, these two come rushing back into Jerusalem to report this to the Apostles, where our Gospel for this week continues. The two are recounting their experience when in that same upper room, Jesus appears in their midst. They are troubled and unsure, but Jesus shows them his wounds, and then asks for something to eat. Jesus then continues to tell them that everything that had happened was to fulfill everything that was written in the Scriptures, reminding them all that they had been witnesses to these things… and from that witness, to go to all nations and preach in his name.
Final Thoughts:
On this fifth anniversary of his election, Pope Francis brings us his latest Apostolic Exhortation, “Rejoice and be Glad.” Just as Peter is calling everyone to holiness in our readings for this Sunday, Pope Francis continues this call in his latest book by asking us to avoid false forms of holiness. These include using social media and technology to spread vitriol in the name Christ, and being obsessed with rules and processes “rather than letting themselves be led by the Spirit in the way of love…” (paragraph 57).
We are all called to evangelize… all called to spread the Gospel. As St. Francis is attributed to have said, “Preach the Gospel always… when necessary use words.” While there is some debate about the quote itself, there is no question of the spirit represented behind these words… “they will know we are Christians by our love...” that our actions speak louder than our words. And that includes how we use all the tools of modern communication.
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Psalms 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9
1 John 2:1-5a
Luke 24:35-48
In our first reading from Acts of the Apostles, we see that Peter has found his voice. Our passage takes place shortly after the Pentecost, where for the first time we see Peter and the Apostles preaching in the Temple courtyard… preaching with a power and authority we have never seen before. At first his language seems inflammatory, calling them out as being complicit in Jesus’ death, but he very deftly turns this moment into a chance for forgiveness and repentance, noting that the prophets had foretold of Jesus’ suffering, but that by following the way of the Christ, their sins may be wiped away. By seeing the Lord for who he is, we can find forgiveness. Our Psalm echoes this sentiment as we ask the Lord to shine his face on us.
Our second reading is a continuation of our examination of the 1st letter of John. In keeping with our theme of evangelization, John is reminding us that the most powerful witness we can offer is by following the Lord’s commandments. John recognizes this is not always easy, and also reminds us that if we do sin, we have an advocate in Jesus Christ… who’s death and resurrection is “expiation for our sins.” Not only do we find God by embracing his commandments, but our love for God is shown through our following his commandments.
This takes us to our Gospel from Luke, where similar to last week’s gospel from John, the Apostles witness the appearance of the risen Jesus. Just prior to this passage the women have reported to the Apostles that the tomb is empty. Following that moment is the encounter two disciples have with the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus. After the encounter, these two come rushing back into Jerusalem to report this to the Apostles, where our Gospel for this week continues. The two are recounting their experience when in that same upper room, Jesus appears in their midst. They are troubled and unsure, but Jesus shows them his wounds, and then asks for something to eat. Jesus then continues to tell them that everything that had happened was to fulfill everything that was written in the Scriptures, reminding them all that they had been witnesses to these things… and from that witness, to go to all nations and preach in his name.
Final Thoughts:
On this fifth anniversary of his election, Pope Francis brings us his latest Apostolic Exhortation, “Rejoice and be Glad.” Just as Peter is calling everyone to holiness in our readings for this Sunday, Pope Francis continues this call in his latest book by asking us to avoid false forms of holiness. These include using social media and technology to spread vitriol in the name Christ, and being obsessed with rules and processes “rather than letting themselves be led by the Spirit in the way of love…” (paragraph 57).
We are all called to evangelize… all called to spread the Gospel. As St. Francis is attributed to have said, “Preach the Gospel always… when necessary use words.” While there is some debate about the quote itself, there is no question of the spirit represented behind these words… “they will know we are Christians by our love...” that our actions speak louder than our words. And that includes how we use all the tools of modern communication.
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