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Our annual visit with the graduates of St. Francis High School

A few years back I was very moved by the graduation message by St. Francis High School (La Canada, my alma mater) principal, Tom Moran.  It was a message about not becoming a "none" - those who claim no religious affiliation.  Since then I've been moved by and posted his subsequent graduation addresses.  My three brothers and I knew Mr. Moran from our days as students, and through these graduation messages I see his love for St. Francis High School and those students who pass through those hallowed halls.  This was his address for the Class of 2019:

Mr. Moran's Address to the Graduates - May 25, 2019

“Do you believe in miracles?”

That classic question was posed by sportscaster Al Michaels in the closing seconds of a pivotal 1980 Olympic Ice Hockey game between the US and Russia, with America clinging to a 4-3 lead.

In those days, the US Hockey Team was comprised of amateurs; the Russian Team members were, for all intents and purposes, professionals. In an exhibition game two weeks before, the Soviets had beaten the Americans 10-3. So the fact that the USA could compete with, much less defeat the Russians, was miraculous.

The Dictionary defines miracle as: “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings welcome consequences; or an outstanding example of something.”

When the Americans collected their gold medals a few days later, Michaels’ question was answered. We believed.

As you may know, I had a major health crisis earlier this year. I had been in the hospital several weeks when a nurse asked to meet me. He had read my file and concluded that I was a miracle. I was surprised that someone would want to meet me, much less study my medical history. At that moment, I had numerous tubes coming out of me, had no memory of the prior weeks, could not walk or care for myself, and had medical personnel poking and prodding me all day. I felt nothing like a miracle; perhaps more like Miracle Whip. Miracles are recorded in the Bible. Miracles qualify saints for canonization. Miracles don’t happen to someone like me.
Albert Einstein said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”

After thinking about it, I reluctantly accepted that my recovery was a miracle of modern medicine, but more importantly, the power of prayer. And I am grateful to the real miracle workers-my family, including the St. Francis family. Trust me, this Franciscan family can make miracles for you, too.

Every life is a miracle, or a potential miracle. It is written that “Miracles only happen to those who believe in them.”

So, “Do you believe in miracles?” We see miracles among your class, including:

●how you embrace brotherhood
●your service to others
●your retreat experiences and spiritual growth
●academic and personal challenges you have overcome
●athletic victories against teams with greater talent
●the guidance you have received from staff members
●the quality of our productions, each one better than the last
●the sacrifices of your families

As Herb Brooks, the USA Coach, told his players before that historic game: “This is your time! You were born for this!” Don’t wait until you are my age or become ill to be a miracle. Get out there tomorrow fortified with Franciscan virtues and intentionally work miracles-for your families, your communities, and each other.

On behalf of those who believe in miracles-our Board of Directors, friars, faculty and staff, congratulations class of 2019!

- Mr. Tom Moran


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