This Sunday we close our Liturgical Year with the Solemnity of Christ the King. During these seemingly divisive times it’s important for us to remember that we owe our attention and allegiance primarily to Jesus Christ. Everything else is secondary. This celebration was created in response to the growing nationalism and secularism of the early 20th century. Pope Pius XI instituted this feast in his 1925 encyclical letter Quas Primas. At the time the world was still recovering from the first World War while revolutions in Russia, China, and Spain were sparking continued unrest. All over the world citizens were calling into question their models of governance and economics. It would seem today the world is in similar turmoil, calling us once again to recognize that above all else, we serve Christ.
The Word for the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
2 Samuel 5:1-3
Psalm 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5
Colossians 1-12-20
Luke 23:35-43
Our first reading from 2 Samuel where we hear of Israel’s anointing of David as their king. As we read this particular passage in the context of Christ the King, our focus shouldn’t be so much on David as is it should be on the connection of Jesus to the House of David. The prophecy has been that the deliverer, the messiah, would come from the house of David. This connection then makes Jesus a legitimate heir to the throne and brings God’s promise full circle. This emphasis on the “house” of David is mirrored in our Psalm as we sing “Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.”
A vision of kingship continues with our second reading as Paul explains to the Colossians an understanding of sacred authority. The people of that early church struggled with the idea of “who was in charge.” It’s an issue we face regularly in our human experience. Rather than claim himself, or any of the Apostles as leaders of the Church, Paul refocuses our attention to the fact that it is Jesus whom we serve and to whom we owe our allegiance. It is Jesus who we follow as our one and only king.
We turn then to our Gospel which will be our final visit from Luke for some time. In this Sunday’s passage he gives witness to Jesus on the cross. Hardly an image of kingship. It is in that moment we are reminded his Heavenly throne came at a cost, but it was through his suffering, death, and resurrection that God gave Jesus dominion over the earth (and indeed the Universe).
Final thoughts:
The early 20th century brought with it both great advances and great turmoil. The industrial revolution shifted the world’s economy from agriculture to industry, bringing with it both horrendous working conditions and marvelous advances in international trade and travel. I look at those times and reflect on how our early 21st century shares a lot in common. The birth of the digital age brings with it many of the opportunities and pitfalls of the industrial age. Today’s division between rich and poor are driving populist and nationalistic movements not unlike those seen 100 years ago.
To counter this cultural turmoil both Pope Francis and Archbishop Jose Gomez remind us to look to the bigger picture – to look to Christ! When we make Christ our focus, everything else falls into place. And as we are about to enter into the secular holiday celebrations, we need to pause and remind ourselves of the “reason for the season.” Yes, parties and celebrations are all fun ways to enjoy the holidays, but there are far too many people who find themselves getting too stressed during these times. Expectations drive us to do more than we should. During this Advent and Christmas season we need to refocus our attention on Christ! In doing so, all the other stresses of the season will fade away!
Who speaks for the Lord? Do you have to be a prophet? A priest? A bishop? The Pope? What about you? The answer, according to our readings this week, is “whomever God calls,” and that could be you. The Word for the 26tth Sunday of Ordinary Time Numbers 11:25-29 Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 James 5:1-6 Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Our first reading comes from the Book of Numbers. This book is a continuation of the Exodus story, from the point where they leave the Sinai (after receiving the Law) to the point where they are ready to enter the Promised Land. The book gives us some history of these years interspersed with sections of legal codes. This Sunday’s passage deals with the commissioning the elders, those 70 individuals chosen by Moses to receive some of the Spirit so that they may prophesy (preach) among the people. But during this time there were two men, Eldad and Medad, who were not with the group at the tent, but who also recei...
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