With the 1st Sunday of Advent we welcome a new Liturgical Year, but unlike our secular celebration of the new year we don’t do it with champagne and noisemakers. Instead the Church begins her new year with a season of solemn reflection and preparation for the coming of Jesus. Not his coming as an infant – that moment has past – but for his coming again in glory. His second coming. But this is not something to fear, it is something to rejoice! And what better way to celebrate his second coming than by remembering our rejoicing for his first coming! Advent is our chance to ask ourselves, “are we ready for his return?” The Word for the 1st Sunday of Advent Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 Advent marks the beginning of the new Liturgical Year, and with that a new Lectionary cycle. Last year, Cycle A, we spent with the Gospel of Matthew, but now we transition to Cycle B with a focus on the Gos...
Comments on our weekly readings for Sunday Mass and other topics of interest for those who are going through the initiation process or want to learn more about the Catholic Faith