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Pentecost Sunday - Cycle B

This Sunday we bring the Easter Season to a close with the celebration of Pentecost – commemorating the moment the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles and whose gifts allowed them to leave the upper room and spread the Gospel to Jerusalem, all of Judea and Samaria, and throughout the world.  It’s the birthday of the Church!

The Word for Pentecost Sunday (Mass during the day)
Acts 2-1-11
Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34
1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Galatians 5:16-25
John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27, 16:12-15

Our Sunday readings open fittingly with the Pentecost story in Acts of the Apostles.  This is the story from which our traditions of this moment originate.  It is after the Jesus’ ascension and the Apostles are gathered again in the upper room.  Our passage has two distinct parts.  First is the actual descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (and those others in the room) followed by the experience of the people in the street after the Apostles leave the upper room.

The first line of our passage begins “When the time for the Pentecost was fulfilled.”  It sounds so simple and obvious to our Christian ears, but as is often with scripture, all is not what is seems.  This passage actually refers to the Jewish celebration of Shavuot, or what Hellenistic Jews referred to as Pentecost (which in Greek for “fiftieth day” since the Passover).  Also referred to as the Festival of Weeks, Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah – the Law.  It also coincides with Israelite harvest season marking the conclusion of the grain harvest, or the “Day of First Fruits” celebrated at the Temple.  So while our Jewish ancestors celebrate Pentecost as the receiving of the gift of the Law, Christians celebrate receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, which in turn gave them the courage to spread the Gospel – the new Law.  Coincidence?  Not at all.  This is one of those moments where our author sees an opportunity to draw a connection between the old tradition and the new and bring with it a sense of renewal that is echoed in our Psalm as we sing, “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!”

The second part of our passage from Acts then changes both tone and perspective.  We’re now in the streets of Jerusalem, standing witness to the effects the Holy Spirit has made on the Apostles.  Jerusalem is bustling with activity and visitors from many other countries (owing to the end of the harvest).  Yet all these different people hear the Apostles speaking in their own tongues.  Luke’s description here not only speaks to the power of the Holy Spirit but speaks to the understanding message that the Gospel is for all nations, not just Jerusalem or the Jewish people, but for all people everywhere.

It is this reading, our first reading, that gives us the focus of our celebration on Pentecost Sunday.  Both our second reading and our Gospel provide options for the presider, but typically the first option is the one we hear at Mass, so I will focus on those.

For our second reading we look at the passage from Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians.  Here Paul reminds us that our ability to say, “Jesus is Lord,” comes from the Holy Spirit.  Indeed, a fitting statement for Pentecost, but as Paul continues he presents us with one of the most important teachings of his ministry, that WE are the Body of Christ – though we have many parts, we are made one through the Spirit.

For our Gospel we look to the 14th chapter of John’s Gospel and his account of the Pentecost.  Here John takes us back to the upper room where Jesus for the second time has appeared to the Apostles after the Resurrection (the first being that time when Thomas wasn’t present).  It is a simple yet moving moment as Jesus “breathed on them and said to them ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.”  While this version may differ from the Acts of the Apostles or the other Gospels is irrelevant.  Our 21st century minds tend to get caught up in the details, and that can be cause for some confusion.  The point isn’t how the Holy Spirit came, it’s the fact that the Holy Spirit did come.  Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit so that they would not be alone on their quest to spread the Gospel, and that promise was fulfilled!  We, the Church, continue that stewardship of the Gospel and praise the gift of the Holy Spirit which still moves and guides us today.

Final Thoughts:

Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the Church.  This is when we, mere mortals, were gifted with the Holy Spirit.  And with the power of that same Holy Spirit the Apostles found the courage to leave their upper room and spread the Gospel.  To boldly proclaim Jesus as the Christ and continue the work he started – the work we continue.


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