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The difference between "teaching" and "telling"... and why we should question authority

A very interesting article from Michael J. O’Loughlin of America Magazine. It's worth your time to read it.

The article focuses on questions young people were asking Boston's Auxiliary Bishop Mark O'Connell... not an unusual thing when you have a bishop talking with Confirmation candidates about their faith. When asked about their feelings on the event I was struck by one of the responses: "One person told him that bishops should teach, not listen."

This comment cut me, as a catechist, to the core. Yes, it is a bishop's primary mission to teach. But the operative word here is "teach" not "tell." "Teaching" people is not the same as "telling" them what to do. "Teaching" by it's very nature involves a dialogue between the teacher and the student. We call it the "Socratic method" employed by the great Greek philosopher Socrates and embraced by the Paris University movement of the Middle Ages. And it is still very much alive today at every academic level.

But here's the rub, and the real issue being raised by this one person... "Teaching" as I have described requires that the student also participate in the process... to take the information, processes it, and form their own conscience (as is true with all Catholic teaching). There are, unfortunately, too many people who don't want to go to that effort. They prefer simply to be "told" what to do. While this might seem easier, and is the path of least resistance, it has a major problem: It has you giving up your own free will, and in essence, subjugating yourself to an authority other than Christ.

But here's the most important point: When the time comes for us to stand before Christ and be judged, it's all on us alone. We won't be able to pass it off on someone else. Put another way, to say, "I was just following orders" is not a sufficient excuse.

I often tell people that I think being Catholic today is a lot harder than it was before the Second Vatican Council. Back then we were taught that if we just followed what Father or Sister had to say, we would be OK... Our salvation was assured. But as we now know, that's not enough. We have to be active and conscious participants in our own salvation, and decide for ourselves what is right or wrong... and WHY. And thankfully, we also have God's mercy, because none of us are perfect.

A Postscript:
Now before I start getting a lot of comments reminding me that in this case a bishop, by the nature of their office, speaks for Christ and his Church, I would simply remind people that a bishop, while speaking for Christ, is not himself Christ. I have met and known a number of bishops, and been awed by their charism and wisdom. But even they would say that while their office gives them a certain authority, they remain flawed human being like the rest of us and subject to mistakes. And we, who owe a fealty to our pastors and bishops, should be even more attentive to the need of forming our own consciences. To be true students and engage in dialog with our teachers. Only then can true learning take place.


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