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26th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Cycle C

What is Social Justice?  Our readings last week gave us a basic understanding, giving us a warning about how our eternal fate is based on how we treat others, especially the poor.  Not only will the Lord remember how we treat the poor, but our Gospel last week reminded us that we must be honest stewards, both of others and the message of the Gospel.  This week our readings give us a warning of what will become of us should we not heed the cry of those in need:

The Word for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Amos 6:1a, 4-7
Psalm 146:7, 8-9, 9-10
1 Timothy 6:11-16
Luke 16:19-31

We open with another passage from Amos, our fiery Southern prophet giving a warning to those who have become complacent.  The imagery Amos uses speaks of excessive wealth, and while taking a jab at David, foretells of what will happen (and did happen) if they don’t change their ways.  It is a stinging indictment that is very much relevant today as we see an increasing disparity between rich and poor in our contemporary world.

Our second reading, continuing our study of Paul’s letters to Timothy.  From the closing passages of his first letter to Timothy, he urges him, and us, to “compete well for the faith.”.  Though not directly related to our readings on Justice, its core message of remaining vigilant to the cause of the Gospel serves as a reminder that we must never cease in our efforts to bring justice to the poor and those in need.  It also reminds us that we too must be prophets, and in the vein of Amos and Jesus, call out what we see as injustice in our society.

Our gospel continues from where we left off last week, and like last week, Jesus gives us another parable that is unique to Luke’s Gospel.  To better set the stage, first let’s remember where we are:  Jesus, still on his travels to Jerusalem, is seen by a group of Pharisees as he is conversing with a group of “tax collectors and sinners.”  The Pharisees complained about this, so Jesus, speaking to the Pharisees, gave us the parables we heard two weeks ago (the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost – prodigal – Son).  Then, continuing then from last week’s Gospel, Jesus turned to his disciples and gave us the parable of the Dishonest Steward, a story pointed squarely at the Pharisees who were listening.

Directly following last week’s Gospel passage the text continues,  saying, “The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at him.  And he said to them, ‘You justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts; for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God.’”  To reinforce his point, he gives us this week’s passage, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.  This parable, unique in its personalization of the poor man, is both intimate in its telling and thick with meaning.  Using a familiar story telling devices (not unlike that used in A Christmas Carole and It’s A Wonderful Life) we are shown a future that can be avoided if we heed the moral of the story – that we need to follow what Moses, the Prophets, and Jesus have been telling us – “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for Me.”

Final thoughts:

“Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.”  This line from our Gospel is very telling.  For anyone who owns a dog, or has had a dog, knows this to be true.  At their core their primary concern is for the members of their pack, especially those whom they see as higher in rank.  Here Jesus puts a dog in his parable he’s telling the Pharisees to serve as one more barb to skewer their lack of action on those things that should concern them the most.  The Pharisees, after all, set themselves apart as paragons of faith and virtue, so Jesus has no problem pointedly acknowledging that in this case, even a dog has more concern for Lazarus than they do.  But what of God’s mercy, you ask?  Jesus is quite clear:  “You have Moses and the prophets.”  In other words.  You’ve been told – over and over again – what is expected of those who follow the Lord.  Further, you know better, yet you still ignore the needy around you.  Actions speak louder than words.  In this case, we should forget what the Pharisees have to say and listen to the dog.


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